March Abness

Hello Tribute!

Welcome to the 2023 March Abness Hunger Games. The rules are simple.

From March 1st- 31st, you are not to partake in any SUGAR, FRIED FOODS or BREAD!

At the end of the day, your Accountability Coach will Follow up with you to see how well you did or if you made any slip ups. Slip ups happen.  But, being honest about them helps your coach and peers better able to motivate you through this journey.

You have an opportunity to collect a GOLD STAR for each day if you submit a screenshot of your activity from your health app in your phone.  Apple users, we want to see all 3 rings! 

You may obtain BONUS POINTS at the end if you submit a before weight during the first week of games.  And an after weight on March 31st.

The time has come for us to select the courageous men and women for the honor of representing your self image in the first annual Hunger Games.